About the site: FAQ

Hi! Thanks for visiting Seth's site. Seth's daddy here btw, so this page might answer some of your questions.

  • What is it?
    My son is obsessed with dinosaurs and thinks everyone should be too. He has some rubber-stamps of dinosaurs and uses them to make dinosaur club membership cards. Setting up a blog seemed a logical extension of that idea.
  • Who writes the words?
    Seth - my six (nine!) year old. I ask him leading questions; suggest topics occasionally and lightly edit, but I mainly transcribe what he wants directly onto the site. Now I just log in and leave him to it.
  • And the pictures?
    He is always drawing dinosaurs, so we have plenty to choose from. We take photos together and I upload them to the site. This process is a bit dull and technical for him so I generally do all that. He loves colouring-in the images digitally (& adding too many digital effects too)
  • What's with the dinosaur membership club?
    Joining the club means signing up an email when there's new content. You should declare you love for dinosaurs and choose a particular favourite but that's up to you! Emails never shared, sold or marketed to.
  • How is it done?
    This site uses the excellent, clean & simple 'ghost' blogging platform hosted by ghost.
  • Questions or feedback?
    Here's a feedback form. Or send an email to uplands-spun.7t@icloud.com

Thanks for visiting!