Big Triceratops Skull found in Canada

Big Triceratops Skull found in Canada
Triceratops skull - probably was in a fight when it died - because of it's broken horns and cracked jaw

A Triceratops and a T.Rex were recently found near each other in Alberta. They were probably in a fight when they died because the Triceratops has broken horns and a cracked jaw. Maybe it died from a T.Rex and maybe the T.Rex died from its injuries from the Triceratops.

a man sits on the rocks by a stream to search for fossils

I would like to go to the creek where this fossil was found and see if we can find more of the fossil and other ones as well. The photo makes it look like there's been erosion and this was how the fossils were uncovered.

This is a picture of 'Black Beauty' the T.Rex. These fossils are black because there were black minerals in the rock.

Black Beauty at Royal Tyrrell Museum . . . | This image is i… | Flickr